Traceroute in Python: A Powerful Wrapper Guide Exposed

Image shows penguin wrapped by a Python. This is supposed to convey the main idea of this article, which is to create a Linux program wrapper with the traceroute program to make tracing a network route easier for a Python user.
Part of this image was generated by DALL-E 2

This week, we will create a Linux program wrapper for the ‘traceroute’ program to make tracing a network route easier for a Python user. By the end of this article, I will have demonstrated a few useful techniques in data parsing and object orientation that you might find helpful.

The Target: ‘traceroute,’ Linux, and Python

Here is an abstract view of the entire system:

Image shows entire system from a high-level view. 'Python Business Logic' is at the top. 'Python Linux Layer' is in the middle. The 'Linux' layer is at the bottom. Although not shown in the diagram, the traceroute program resides in the Linux layer.

In the diagram, the ‘Python Linux Layer’ is the thing we want to program. ‘Traceroute’ resides at the lowest ‘Linux’ layer.

We want to wrap the traceroute tool on a Linux system and make it usable in a Python program. ‘Traceroute’ lists the route that a network packet follows in order to retrieve the information you seek from the remote host.

A Plan

We need to be able to:

  • Call the program from Python and capture its data
  • Parse the data into an importable and usable object

The first will be relatively easy, but the second is where the work lies. If we do it in a systematic way and keep the goal in mind, however, it shouldn’t be too difficult.

Calling the ‘traceroute’ Program and Storing its Output

First things first, we need to call the program…

import subprocess["traceroute", "-4", ""])

Wow! That was easy!

To explain this a little bit, we are using ‘traceroute’ in the IPV4 mode (the ‘-4’ flag).

Right now, it is printing directly to the console, which is not ideal — we need that data for parsing!

To accomplish this, we will switch the method we call from ‘call’ to ‘run.’ This method has a ‘capture_output’ parameter. According to the documentation, when ‘capture_output’ is set to True, the ‘run’ method will return an object which contains the text of the program’s output in stdout.

import subprocess

ret =["traceroute", "-4", ""], capture_output=True)

We can access that captured output like this:


We use the ‘decode’ method because stdout is in bytes and we need a string (more on that here).

Wow! Only 3 lines of code and we already have the data in a place that is very accessible!

Data Parsing

One of the most useful skills I think I’ve gained from programming in Python is data parsing.

Specifically, as a firmware engineer, I produce a lot of serial log data for the boards that I work on. Without the data parsing techniques I have accumulated, I would be spending the majority of my time scrolling long text files looking for less than 1% of the information they hold. Not just once either, because I (like every other programmer) never get it right on the first try.

Data parsing is also useful elsewhere in website scraping, big data collection, and more. Once you get fast enough, it will be hard not to write a parser for everything.

Taking a Peek at our ‘traceroute’ Output Data

The 3-line program we wrote above produces the following output:

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  home (  0.267 ms  0.618 ms  0.583 ms
 2 (  3.425 ms  3.177 ms  3.032 ms
 3 (  3.143 ms  3.458 ms  3.038 ms
 4 (  13.147 ms  13.216 ms  30.300 ms
 5  * * *
 6  * (  29.985 ms *
 7  * * *
 8  * * *
 9  * * *
10 (  31.194 ms  30.308 ms  29.753 ms

Oof, that is going to be a pain to parse out the data we want. Let’s take this apart.

The first line is something we already know – we are tracing the route to ‘’ From there, each line represents a station that the packet is routed through. These “stations” are things like routers and gateways. The last line is the host that we wanted to reach.

By default, there are 3 queries per station. This helps the user know a couple of things, like average round-trip time and whether there are other hosts that respond to packets at that station number. Below is the breakdown for one of our lines of output:

Example of traceroute output, broken down by component (station number, hostname and IP address of the station, Query #1 round-trip time, Query #2 round-trip time, and Query #3 round-trip time).
  1. The station number
  2. The hostname and IP address of the station
  3. Query #1 round-trip time
  4. Query #2 round-trip time
  5. Query #3 round-trip time

If there is an asterisk in a field, the station didn’t respond to the packet we sent. Also, there is a chance that we get a different host in any of the three queries for a given station number. This is due to network configurations to handle incoming requests.

Simplifying Output

To simplify the output of the ‘traceroute’ program and make our parsing lives easier, we will introduce the ‘-n’ and ‘-N1’ flags to our ‘traceroute’ program call.


The ‘-N1’ tells the ‘traceroute’ program to only use one packet at a time.

Sending one packet at a time is just a kindness to the devices we will be tracing so we don’t send a bunch of packets each time we want to trace a route. The downside is that the results will be slower to come in.


The ‘-n’ simply tells traceroute to not print the hostnames, simplifying things further by obtaining only the IP address of the station.

With those two flags added, our call now looks like this:

ret =["traceroute", "-4", "-N1", "-n", ""], capture_output=True)

Our call also produces a clean output:

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  0.657 ms
 2  9.288 ms
 3  3.681 ms
 4  14.012 ms
 5  29.552 ms
 6  30.166 ms
 7  *
 8  *
 9  *
10  30.837 ms

This will make our lives much easier!

Coding an Object

Finally we get to the object creation that will be importable and usable by another Python program. We will call this object ‘TraceRouteInstance’ and it will have a single constructor input of ‘hostname_or_ip,’ which we will use in our ‘traceroute’ call.

So far, our object looks like this:

import subprocess

class TraceRouteInstance:
    def __init__(self, hostname_or_ip: str):
        self.traceroute_data =
            ["traceroute", "-4", "-N1", "-n", hostname_or_ip], 

We store our ‘traceroute’ return data in a ‘traceroute_data’ variable for later parsing. To store each of the stations, we will use a named tuple, shown below:

Station = namedtuple('Station', ['ip', 'latency(ms)'])

The syntax might look a little strange, but it enables us to reference the data in the tuple by a name which looks cleaner in the long run.


Next we need to parse the output.

One way to do this would be by stripping leading and trailing white space on each line, then checking for a digit at the first character. Stripping the line of white space at the start will ensure that the line has a digit as its first character (if it is a line we care about).

This is how a newcomer might approach the problem.

However, to avoid so much string manipulation, I always suggest using regular expression for data extraction from lines of text. It is very difficult to understand regular expressions in the beginning, but when you understand them, they will save you headaches down the road and immensely reduce the complexity of data parsing.

Enter Regular Expression

Let’s take a look at the regular expression we will be using for this exercise:

"(?P<station_number>\d+)  (?P<ip_address>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)  (?P<latency>\d+\.\d+) ms"

In this, we have 3 named groups: ‘station_number,’ ‘ip_address,’ and ‘latency.’ We can use this regular expression to search a line and reference the named groups to extract the data we want.

Our parse function looks like this:

    def parse_data(self):
        station_regex = r"(?P<station_number>\d+)  (?P<ip_address>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)  (?P<latency>\d+\.\d+) ms"

        for line in self.traceroute_data.split("\n"):
            re_match =, line)

            if re_match:
                ip_address ="ip_address")
                latency = float("latency"))

                self.route_list.append(Station(ip_address, latency))
            elif '*' in line:
                self.route_list.append(Station('*', '*'))

We take the output line-by-line, searching the line for our regular expression. If the regular expression is found, we use the named groups to extract the data from the line, adding it to our ‘route_list.’

If we don’t find the regular expression but we see an asterisk, we assume that the station didn’t respond and add a default value to our ‘route_list.’

Final Object Code

Finally, our importable ‘traceroute’ Python wrapper looks like this:

import subprocess
import re
from collections import namedtuple

Station = namedtuple('Station', ['ip', 'latency_ms'])

class TraceRouteInstance:
    def __init__(self, hostname_or_ip: str):
        self.traceroute_data =
            ["traceroute", "-4", "-N1", "-n", hostname_or_ip], 
        self.route_list = []

    def parse_data(self):
        station_regex = r"(?P<station_number>\d+)  (?P<ip_address>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)  (?P<latency>\d+\.\d+) ms"

        for line in self.traceroute_data.split("\n"):
            re_match =, line)

            if re_match:
                ip_address ="ip_address")
                latency = float("latency"))

                self.route_list.append(Station(ip_address, latency))
            elif '*' in line:
                self.route_list.append(Station('*', '*'))

As a simple test, let’s write a main function in this script that utilizes the above object and prints out the trace list.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tr = TraceRouteInstance("")

If you run this, it will eventually produce the following output:

[Station(ip='', latency_ms=0.624), Station(ip='', latency_ms=3.244), Station(ip='', latency_ms=3.445), Station(ip='', latency_ms=13.911), Station(ip='', latency_ms=29.505), Station(ip='', latency_ms=30.912), Station(ip='*', latency_ms='*'), Station(ip='*', latency_ms='*'), Station(ip='*', latency_ms='*'), Station(ip='', latency_ms=31.139)]

This output shows that we have successfully extracted the route that a packet would take from my machine to requesting data from ‘’


In this post, we explored wrapping a Linux program with a Python interface to make it more accessible by another Python program. If you run this program, however, you will notice how long an object takes to be created. This is due to the length of time it takes for a route to be traced by using ‘traceroute.’

In a future post, we might explore options on how to mitigate the effects of this load time for external programs by using the ‘asyncio’ built-in Python library or by multi-threading.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s post! Please add any comments, suggestions, or questions that you may have! If you are interested in other articles I have written, check out these links:

Thank you for reading!


Neural Networks Exposed: Beautiful Genetic Algorithms in C++

Genetic algorithm generations help neural networks learn

This week, we are generating feed-forward neural networks which learn through a genetic algorithm. These networks are much easier to understand than their back-propagation counterparts. Please join me on this step-by-step guide for simplistic neural networks as they learn through generations of selection.

Neural Networks

Neural networks can be a difficult subject to dive into during ground-up implementation. Here, I will explain a simple ‘feed-forward’ network, as we do not need back-propagation for this article. Fortunately, back-propagation is the only part of a neural net which requires deep knowledge of calculus.

So, if you fear feeling dumb like me, fret not! Multiplication is all we need!

I chose evolution because it requires less math 😉

Not Charles Darwin

Feed-Forward Neural Networks

A feed-forward neural network only feeds data in one direction across the network.

Showing how neural networks work

The above diagram shows a neural network with 2 inputs, 4 hidden layer neurons, and 2 output neurons. The data flows from left to right. At each step, the data is modified in a parallel fashion by each neuron.

Showing flow of data in neural networks

A neuron simply takes in all of the given inputs, multiplies those inputs by a paired weight stored by the neuron, and sums these products together. The sum of that addition is passed through a sigmoid function, which in turn is the neuron’s output.

Looking back at our neural network diagram, the hidden layer neurons each have 2 inputs. So, each neuron will store 2 weights. Therefore, the hidden layer stores 8 weights in total.

Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms

The basic rule which governs my algorithm is:

At the start of each generation, select the highest performing agents from the previous generation and combine their neural networks to form the next generation’s agents.

The important factors are 1) how you select the top performers, and 2) how the next generation is stitched together from the previous winners.

Code Time

The code base for this project has a lot of additional functionality that is necessary to facilitate agents’ learning. However, to keep this post short and sweet, I am going to focus on the key areas that make this process work.

The Problem to Solve

The problem which our agents must solve is simple. They must get as close to the goal as possible, given the number of ‘ticks’ in a generation.


A ‘tick’ is a time step allotted to each agent in which they can choose which direction to move and how far that move will be.

When all ticks have been counted, the program orders the agents by least to greatest distance from the goal. Next, it selects a few agents from the top (closest to goal) to seed our next generation. This process continues until we reach the last configured generation.

Main Loop

    for (int generation = 0; generation < NUM_GEN; generation++)
        // Setup our generations Agents
        if (!closest)
		// Setup our initial generation of agents
        else ...
		// Stitch our next set of agents from those that came closest from the previous generation

        // Run our simulation
        run_sim(*agents, goal);

        // Rank our agents and take the configured number of top performers
        closest = get_closest_agents(*agents, goal, generation, NUM_AGENTS_SELECTED_EACH_GENERATION);

            std::cout << closest->at(0)->distance << "," << mutation_chance << std::endl;

Our main loop is simple:

  1. Set up the generation’s agents.
  2. Run the simulation.
  3. Rank the agents by final distance to the goal.

setting up the neural networks

The first generation is a set of agents. Each agent has a neural network that is initialized with random weight values and contains the following elements:

  • 2 inputs (distance to goal in x- and y-directions)
  • 10 hidden neurons
  • 4 outputs

Two outputs represent the x- and y-distances that the agent wants to move, each between 0-1. The other two outputs dictate whether the direction of movement is positive or negative.

The following code implements agent creation:

for (int agent_i = 0; agent_i < NUM_AGENTS_PER_GEN; agent_i++)

        // Check if we are basing our agents on anything
        if (based_on)
            int choice1 = get_rand_int(0, based_on->size() - 1), choice2 = get_rand_int(0, based_on->size() - 1);
            while (choice2 == choice1)
                choice2 = get_rand_int(0, based_on->size() - 1);
            // Using default mutation delta
            agents->push_back(new Agent(new Position(start_pos->x, start_pos->y), based_on->at(choice1)->agent, based_on->at(choice2)->agent, mt, mutation_chance));
            // Create agents with two sensors, distance from goal x and y
            agents->push_back(new Agent(new Position(start_pos->x, start_pos->y), 2));

Simulation Run

The simulation runs for the number of ticks configured. At each tick, it “asks” the agent for a desired distance and direction, based on the agent’s current distance from the goal.

void run_sim(std::vector<Agent *> agents, Position *goal)
    for (int tick = 0; tick < NUM_TICKS_PER_GEN; tick++)
        for (Agent *a : agents)
            // Sense the Agents distance from the goal
            float sensors[2] = {
                (a->positions.back()->x - goal->x) / BOUNDARY_EDGE_LENGTH,
                (a->positions.back()->y - goal->y) / BOUNDARY_EDGE_LENGTH};
            // Ask the Agent what it wants to do

A Few More Specifics

Selecting top performers

It is important to note that the way you select your ‘winners’ greatly determines the behavior of your agents. My program selects winners in the following code:

    std::vector<AgentDistancePair *> *agent_distance_pairs = new std::vector<AgentDistancePair *>;

    for (Agent *a : agents)
        agent_distance_pairs->push_back(new AgentDistancePair(a, get_distance(*(a->positions.back()), *goal)));

The algorithm pairs each agent’s pointer to its respective distance from the goal. This pairing is encapsulated in the ‘AgentDistancePair’ object. Then, the program sorts the vector filled with these pairings using the following function:

bool compare_agent_distance_pair(AgentDistancePair *first, AgentDistancePair *second)
    return bool(first->distance < second->distance);

Finally, we reduce the number in the list to the number specified by the caller. In other words, how many of the top performers do we want? At the same time, we are being careful to manage our memory properly.

while (agent_distance_pairs->size() > num_to_find)
        delete agent_distance_pairs->back();

All together, the whole function looks like this:

std::vector<AgentDistancePair *> *get_closest_agents(std::vector<Agent *> agents, Position *goal, int generation_number, int num_to_find = 2)
    std::vector<AgentDistancePair *> *agent_distance_pairs = new std::vector<AgentDistancePair *>;

    for (Agent *a : agents)
        agent_distance_pairs->push_back(new AgentDistancePair(a, get_distance(*(a->positions.back()), *goal)));

    sort(agent_distance_pairs->begin(), agent_distance_pairs->end(), compare_agent_distance_pair);

        draw_agent_path(agent_distance_pairs, goal, generation_number);

    while (agent_distance_pairs->size() > num_to_find)
        delete agent_distance_pairs->back();

        draw_agent_path(agent_distance_pairs, goal, generation_number);

    return agent_distance_pairs;

Stitching together agents of the past

In a genetic algorithm, the neural networks learn by being stitched with other top performers, sprinkled with a bit of randomness. In order to stitch the weights together, we choose 1 of 3 different methods:

  • EveryOther
  • SingleSplit
  • RandomChoice

‘EveryOther’ method selects each weight of the child agent by alternating evenly between taking parent weights, as shown in the diagram below:


‘SingleSplit’ method uses a randomly selected weight index as a point where the responsibility for providing weights to the child switches to the other parent. You can see an example of this happening at the ‘Split Line’ in the diagram below:


‘RandomChoice’ method randomly selects weights from both parents as it builds the child weights. No diagram needed ;).


This is Generation #5 of a ‘SingleSplit’ method simulation. The green dot is the selected agent of the generation and the yellow dot is its goal!

This has been a huge learning experience for me! I will definitely be adding tiny brains to many things in the future.

If you are interested in exploring or cloning this code, you can access it on my Github here. Thank you for reading! I hope you found this helpful and thought-provoking! As always, feel free to leave a comment or suggestion below.

Further reading on my work in simulations is available at these links:

SFML, C++, and Windows: Quick Guide to Awesome Graphics

This week, I am documenting how I set up an environment for developing a graphical program using SFML in C++. I am just starting out myself, so this solution isn’t guaranteed to be the optimal solution. That being said, I had a heck of a time finding a place that went step by step through a Windows setup! So, here it is!


Simple Fast Multimedia Library (SFML)

The name, Simple Fast Multimedia Library (“SFML”), really says it all. SFML is an open source library that can be compiled on many different platforms. Its goal is to provide an interface to various components of your PC in an easy-to-access way. The modules included are:

  • System
  • Window
  • Graphics
  • Audio
  • Network

What each of these do and how to use them is outside the scope of this article, but for more information I encourage you to explore their learning area.


“CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files” (source: CMake site). We will be using CMake to help us generate a makefile to build our application. There are many configuration options through CMake that I have yet to learn. For this article, I used only what it took to build my SFML-linked software.

Environment Setup

Let’s get started actually setting up our environment. Now, I would like to preface all of the following with “I am sorry, but we HAVE to extend the PATH variable for this to work.”

Requirements (Downloads)

Please follow the links below to download the required software.

Configuring SFML

Extract the SFML zip file to your root drive (commonly ‘C:/’). This will result in ‘SFML-2.5.1’ at your root. Rename this folder to ‘SFML.’ Now there will be an ‘SFML’ directory at your system root. The contents of this directory should include other directories such as ‘bin,’ ‘doc,’ and others.

Configuring MinGW Compiler

Unzip the .7z file to the root drive (commonly ‘C:/’). This should result in a ‘ming64w’ directory in your root drive that contains sub-directories such as ‘bin,’ ‘opt,’ and others.

Configuring CMake

Go ahead and install CMake. Pay close attention for the option to include it in your PATH variable. CMake will not work properly if it isn’t included in this environment variable. To check, simply run ‘cmake’ in a command prompt to see if the program runs.

Configuring the PATH Environment Variable

The final configuration to complete before we get to our project building is the PATH environment variable. I tried many different solutions to avoid this step. I don’t like having to set something globally on my machine for a project that may be ephemeral and local to one directory.

Start by opening your start menu and searching for ‘env.’ This should show a suggested program that looks like this:

Open that program and select ‘Environment Variables’ as shown below:

In the window that pops up, we need to select the path variable and edit it:

We need to add the SFML library location and the MinGW compiler location to the PATH variable in order for CMake to find it and configure our Makefile.

A Sample Project with CMake and SFML (Finally!)

All right, with all the configuration out of the way, we should be able to configure a project to compile and link against the SFML library. To do this, create a directory for your project. Create two files, one named ‘Cmakelists.txt’ and the other named ‘test.cpp.’ Also, create a directory named ‘build.’ Now your project directory should look like:

  • build (directory)
  • Cmakelists.txt
  • test.cpp

‘Cmakelists.txt’ for SFML Graphics

In the ‘Cmakelists.txt’ file we will put:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12 FATAL_ERROR)

project(TestProject VERSION 0.1)

find_package(SFML 2.5 
    system window graphics network audio REQUIRED)

add_executable(TestProject test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(TestProject sfml-graphics)

This declares your project name (‘TestProject’) and its version (‘VERSION 0.1’). Next, it tells CMake to find the SFML package (which it will find if the PATH variable is set up correctly). Finally, we add an executable to compile our source file and link that executable with ‘sfml-graphics.’

Testing SFML Linkage

This file (‘test.cpp’) will be used to hold a very simple program that just creates a blank window. The blank window is evidence that our program links correctly with the SFML library.

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

int main()
    // create the window
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "My window");

    // run the program as long as the window is open
    while (window.isOpen())
        // check all the window's events that were triggered since the last iteration of the loop
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            // "close requested" event: we close the window
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)

        // clear the window with black color

        // draw everything here...
        // window.draw(...);

        // end the current frame

    return 0;

Compilation Time!

Finally, the time has arrived for us to compile our program. Open a command prompt in the build directory of your project and type the following:

cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..

If this successfully executes, then you now have a makefile prepared for compilation. To compile your program, simply type:


Now run the program by typing:


You should have a very plain window that pops up like this:

This blank window is evidence that our program links correctly with the SFML library.

Closing Remarks

I know this week’s post didn’t result in any super awesome GIFs. At least for myself, however, having a documented means of setting up a development environment is super useful for future use and projects. Spoiler alert: I plan to use this exact setup for next week’s project!

Thank you for joining me in this post. I hope it can help someone get a graphics project off the ground!

If you are looking for inspiration on what to use this for, might I suggest building a simulation? Check out some of my attempts in Python with the Kivy Library:

Thank you for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below!