Paper Boy Progress Report Final (For Now)

This week I managed to get a black screen to show up between different scenes so you can no longer see each scene being setup. Nothing else has changed…

This post is meant to cap the progress on this game for now, I think it is at a point where the core mechanic is clear and polished enough to be fun on occasion. There are bigger visions that I have for this project, but to do weekly progress reports at this point just seems not useful as the progress would be much slower. With a full time job, limited knowledge on the Unity Game Engine and the XR utilities of the engine being fairly young still I don’t think progress will be quick enough to be interesting to any audience.

However with all of that said, I am pleased to inform you that below is a download link to the most recent build for you to download and side load to your headset. A couple things to note:

  • You do not need a bike to ‘ride’ simply use the right joystick to move forward
  • If you do have a bike capable of Bluetooth connectivity it must be a Echelon Connect to be compatible with this game.
    • If there is a bike that you would like me to make compatible let me know, I can try and implement a solution so you can use your bike πŸ™‚
  • This is a VERY rough copy, it will be enjoyable, but don’t expect a polished game.

Thank you all for joining me in the progress reports for this early game, I have learned a TON and honestly feel pretty proud of how far I came starting with zero knowledge about game development. Of course the University Degree in Computer Science helped but…. you know. Thank you πŸ™‚

6 thoughts on “Paper Boy Progress Report Final (For Now)”

  1. Honored to be a part of this project! Even though slow, I’m still excited for any future progress, and I can’t wait to play it in its current form πŸ™‚

    1. It’s been a lot of fun! I can’t wait for you to try it either! Thank you for the comments πŸ™‚

  2. Wait a minute. I was going to try this on my HTC Vive but then I downloaded it and it’s an APK. WTH? I’m guessing this is incompatible with a Windows 10 style computer… πŸ™

    1. Hi Greg!

      This is a build from Unity that requires side loading into a Quest 2 Headset which runs Android, I am unfamiliar of the format used for the HTC Vive. Or is it loaded as a desktop game that has VR capabilities?

      Thank you for stopping in and being interested πŸ™‚


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